In a recent article published by Captive International, Michelle Bradley and Enoch Starnes discuss, “A Reflection on Data and Analytics for Captives". In it, they examine the business world’s reliance on data and analytics as decision-making tools, and how it has undoubtedly increased over the past two decades. Captive insurance has, of course, been no exception to this shift. One could even argue that the captives sector played a role in data’s rise to prominence within the risk strategy context, just as it has for many other innovations.
With that in mind, the team at SIGMA take this opportunity to reflect on how captive insurance’s relationship with data and analytics has changed and, perhaps, where it might be heading.
As a reminder, SIGMA's Advanced Analytics Overview brochure addresses the most common types of advanced analytics as companies of all sizes continue to seek new ways to integrate advanced data analytics into their risk management and captive strategies. Get your copy today by clicking the link below.
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